What is Product-Led Content?

It’s great to be able to provide value to your readers but why not also make a sale while you’re at it?

Tosin Onikosi
3 min readMay 9, 2022
Smoothies- Product-led content

Dr fio Dossetto, Editorial Lead at Wildbit and former Senior Editor at Hotjar, describes product-led content as

“any type of content that strategically weaves a product into the narrative and uses it to illustrate a point, solve a problem, and/or help the audience accomplish a goal.”

We’ve all been down the SEO-crazed rabbit hole. Pandering to write keyword-led stories in the battle of ranks and ending up with tons of blog posts that rank but do nothing to convert. It becomes an effort for vanity metrics. Vanity because as much as ranking is good, conversion is better. It’s great to be able to provide value to your readers but why not also make a sale while you’re at it?

Product-led content allows you to provide value to your audience and help them solve their problems using your product.

Imagine that your company sells smoothie machines and a person looking for banana smoothie recipes online has found a great blog post that you put together with the aim of ranking for the keyword “How to make a banana smoothie.” Now, the blog post has been put together very meticulously — detailing different kinds of banana smoothies and step-by-step on how to make them. But in addition, the blog post also mentions using your company’s newest smoothie machine. Highlighting that it is portable enough to carry around, can keep the smoothies cold for up to 4 hours, is so high-powered that it can blend nuts till smooth, and, it self-cleans! Alternatively, it could be a how-to video that alongside showing the recipes, highlights all these super cool facts about your product.

Not only have you given the reader a solution to the problem they knew they had which was how to make a banana smoothie, but you’ve also provided an answer through your product to other problems they might be looking to solve. Nobody wants to drink a smoothie and feel chunks of nuts in it, have to drink a warm smoothie, or worry about the tough cleanup process. You’ve highlighted a problem and provided a solution with your product all in one go. They read the article, see the value that the product adds to them and ultimately convert. Now you’ve been able to provide valuable content to your reader as well as make a sale.

In conclusion, product-led content helps with acquisition by allowing potential customers to learn about your product and its features early in their journey, and, by seeing it in action or learning about its features, it imprints in their minds. It also helps with retention by educating existing customers about features they didn’t know about or new ways to use your product and get the most out of it.

